Data-Driven Robust Control
Enhancing classical robust control techniques using data-driven techniques and machine learning.
Data-Driven Control of Climate Systems
Data-driven control of climate systems of large EVs such as school, city and inter-city buses, and of residential and commercial buildings to maximize system efficiency while maintaining comfort
AI and Control for Sustainability: Intelligent Manufacturing, EV Power Train Design (McGill DBT), Intelligent Transportation, Autonomous Driving, Energy Management Systems, Medical Technologies
Sequential Decision Making
Dealing with sequential decision making with reinforcement learning, deep learning, and inductive bias learning.
Autonomous Electric Vehicles
Electric autonomous vehicles produce no emission and are now widely seen as the future of sustainable transportation. We study the design and control of EV powertrains for heavy vehicles as well as autonomous farming vehicles in collaboration with industry.
Closed-Loop Glucose Regulation in Diabetes
In a blood glucose closed-loop system, the pump regulates its infusion rate automatically in response to the readings of glucose sensors. These systems use control algorithms to determine the proper hormone infusion dosage, typically every 5 to 10 minutes, and are referred to as external artificial pancreas.